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# 1
HLP - Redakteur
Nachricht offline Moderator
716 Punkte
Dabei seit: 23.04.2004
447 Beiträge
Kostenlose Spiele
Nachdem Trin statt meines Doppelpost den ganzen Thread terminiert hat :p , hier nochmal die Liste. Der Vollständigkeit halber sei wieder erwähnt, dass die Beschreibungen von der jewiligen homepage oder Wikipedia stammen. Viel Spaß!


Tremulous is a free, open source game that blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS. Players can choose from 2 unique races, aliens and humans. Players on both teams are able to build working structures in-game like an RTS. These structures provide many functions, the most important being spawning. The designated builders must ensure there are spawn structures or other players will not be able to rejoin the game after death. Other structures provide, among other functions, automated base defense and healing functions. Player advancement is different depending on which team you are on. As a human, players are rewarded with credits for each alien kill. These credits may be used to purchase new weapons and upgrades from the armoury. The alien team advances quite differently. Upon killing a human foe, the alien is able to evolve into a new class. The more kills gained the more powerful the classes available. The overall objective behind Tremulous is to eliminate the opposing team. This is achieved by not only killing the opposing players but also removing their ability to respawn by destroying their spawn structures.




Warsow is a standalone first-person shooter game for Microsoft Windows and Linux; it uses a 3D Engine based on Qfusion (a modification of Quake II GPL engine). It has a complete power-up System including weak and strong fire mode for each weapon, and cartoonish graphics with celshading style, mixing dark, flashy and dirty textures. Gameplay focuses heavily on movement and trickjumping. Players use many tricks/bugs found in Quake engine including strafejumping, doublejumping and rocketjumps. Development team have also added few new tricks like walljump and dash.



Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (ET) is a free first-person shooter (FPS) computer game, and a standalone sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, created by Splash Damage. Enemy Territory was originally planned to be released as a commercial expansion pack to the popular FPS Return to Castle Wolfenstein. However, due to problems with the single-player aspect, the multiplayer portion was released on May 29, 2003 as a free standalone game. In early 2004 the source code for the game logic (not the game engine) was released to the benefit of its modding community.




Nexuiz has been in development for close to 5 years by a team of amateur developers lead by Lee Vermeulen. It is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. It uses HFX textures by Evil Lair, and currently has 17 maps to frag in. With an advanced UI, the user can select between 15 different player models to use, with an average of two skins for each, and can connect to our master server to play people from all over the world. The game's content and source are GPL. Meaning, it is entirely free and any of it can be used in other free projects, even if modified. This is a first for any large game project of its type. We hope this will support the free game community, and encourage more GPL projects. Nexuiz is based on the Darkplaces engine. The darkplaces engine is an advanced Quake1 engine developed mainly by Forest "LordHavoc" Hale, who has been working with the Quake1 engine for many years. A few of Darkplaces main features are Quake3bsp support, realtime lighting and shadowing, new particle effects, advanced menu system, and Md3/Md2 model support. Because Nexuiz is based on the Quake1 engine, its source code along with its content is entirely GPL. Nexuiz will also use the Quake1 game code language, called QuakeC, which makes modding the gameplay of the game extremely easy. This gamecode will be included with the release, and will allow anyone to mod it, and because it is entirely serverside you can use it on your servers even if the clients do not have your mod.Nexuiz will not require a high end system. Video cards such as a Geforce1 will be able to run Nexuiz, while highend video cards will be able to take advantage of some features such as realtime lighting and bumpmapping.This game is released free over the internet, but we still require donations to keep development going. See the link at the bottom of the page to donate. Your donation will support further development on the project and other game projects.



Battle for Wesnoth

The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host against whom none can stand! Choose units from a large pool of specialists, and hand-pick a force with the right strengths to fight well on different terrains against all manner of opposition. Wesnoth has many different sagas waiting to be played out. Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir... step into the boots of a young officer sent to guard a not-so-sleepy frontier outpost... vanquish a horde of undead warriors unleashed by a foul necromancer, who also happens to have taken your brother hostage... guide a band of elvish survivors in an epic quest to find a new home. 200+ unit types. 16 races. 6 major factions. Hundreds of years of history. The world of Wesnoth is absolutely huge and limited only by your creativity - make your own custom units, compose your own maps, and write your own scenarios or even full-blown campaigns. You can also challenge up to 8 friends - or strangers - and fight in epic multi-player fantasy battles.




Cube is an open source multiplayer and singleplayer first person shooter game built on an entirely new and very unconventional engine. Cube is a landscape-style engine that pretends to be an indoor FPS engine, which combines very high precision dynamic occlusion culling with a form of geometric mipmapping on the whole world for dynamic LOD for configurable fps and graphic detail on most machines. Uses OpenGL and SDL. Allows in-engine editing of geometry in full 3D (you fly around the map, point / drag stuff to select it / modify it), which can even be done simultaneously with others in multiplayer (a first!). Has simplistic but effective fine grain vertex lighting that looks like lightmapping and can do dynamic lights and shadows. Doesn't need any kind of map precompilation, even lighting is done on the fly. Has very simplistic quad-tree world structure that can do slopes (heightfields with caps) and slants, water, does decent collision detection and physics, has client/server networking that goes a long way in giving a lag-free game experience, and features a Doom/Quake-style singleplayer (2 game modes, savegames) and multiplayer (12 game modes, master server / server browser, demo recording) game with some uncompromising brutal oldskool gameplay. Most of the engine design is targeted at reaching feature richness through simplicity of structure and brute force, rather than finely tuned complexity.




Sauerbraten (a.k.a. Cube 2) is a free multiplayer/singleplayer first person shooter, built as a major redesign of the Cube FPS. Much like the original Cube, the aim of this game is not necessarily to produce the most features and eyecandy possible, but rather to allow map/geometry editing to be done dynamically in-game, to create fun gameplay and an elegant engine. The engine supporting the game is entirely original in code and design, and its code is Open Source (ZLIB license, read the docs for more on how you can use the engine). In addition to the FPS game which is in a very playable state, the engine is being used for an RPG which is in the preproduction phase.




Glest is a free 3D real time strategy game, available for several operative systems and that can be modified using XML and a set of tools. Current version includes single player game against AI controlled players, providing two factions for the player to control: Magic and Tech, each with their corresponding tech trees, units and buildings.



Warzone 2100 Ressurection

Warzone 2100 is a real-time strategy game, developed by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. Although comparable to Earth 2150 in many significant respects, it does contain aspects that are unique. These include various radar technologies, a greater focus on artillery and counter-battery technologies, more frequent in-game cinematic updates as gameplay progress, as well as a different vehicle design method. It was released in 1999 for both PC and Playstation. In late 2004 warzone was released by its copyright holders, Eidos Interactve, to the public under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and the Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project was born.




OpenArena is a free/open source 3D computer game that belongs to the "first-person shooter" genre. OpenArena had its first public test release on August 19 2005, the day after the Quake 3 engine GPL source code release and also the last day of Quake Expo 2005. OpenArena is developed mainly using free/open source - e.g. its game engine is id Software's GNU GPL Quake 3 engine. OpenArena is entirely free as in speech (both engine, gamecode and data). It is still in very early development. In addition, a "missionpack" addon is planned, to take advantage of the also GPL'd Quake III: Team Arena source code.



Freecraft / Stratagus / Wargus

In June 15, 1998 Lutz Sammer released the first public version of a free Warcraft II clone for Linux he had given birth to, ALE Clone. In 1999 it was renamed to Freecraft. On June 2003, a cease and desist letter was received from Blizzard Entertainment, who thought the name Freecraft could cause confusion with the names Starcraft and Warcraft, and that some of the ideas within the engine were being too similar to Warcraft II. The developers had also grown tired of the project and so it halted on June 20, 2003. Soon the developers regrouped to continue the work by the name of Stratagus, with a change in the aim: former interest in using the data-files from Starcraft had diminished; the project using the data-files from Warcraft II was split-off into the new and separate project Wargus and the free media set imitating Warcraft II was discontinued. Now original, free games are hoped to become new attractor games. Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine. It includes support for playing over the internet/LAN, or playing a computer opponent. The engine is configurable and can be used to create games with a wide-range of features specific to your needs. See the Games page for a list of current games using the Stratagus engine. Wargus is a Warcraft2 Mod that allows you to play Warcraft2 with the Stratagus engine, as opposed to play it with the original Warcraft2 one. So unless you have a legal copy of Warcraft2 (original DOS Version required, won't work with the battle.net edition) Wargus will be pretty useless to you, since it doesn't come with any graphics or sounds itself. So why play Warcraft2 with the Stratagus engine instead of the original Warcraft2 one? There are numerous reasons, first it allows you to play Warcraft2 under GNU/Linux and other operating systems not supported by the original Warcraft2 engine, secondly it allows you to play over the internet, which the original Warcraft2 engine didn't allow you to. Last not least the Stratagus engine allows you to tweak numerous parameters so you can play around with different unit strength and such. Since Wargus uses a different engine, not all things will work 100% the same as they did in the original Warcraft2, if you want the original unchanged Warcraft2 experience, you will still have to use the original Warcraft2.



CodeRED - Alien Arena 2006 GE

CodeRED - Alien Arena 2006 GE is a fully functional standalone deathmatch game based on the id software source code. Created by COR Entertainment in 2004, the game features game modes such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and All out Assault mode. The game combines a campy 50's era sci-fi atmosphere with gameplay similar to Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament. This game is the third installment of the CodeRED series, and focuses on online multiplayer action. There are over 25 maps to choose from, 9 player characters, and 8 weapons with alternate fires, and a grappling hook. The game is powered by the CRX Engine, which features 32 bit hi-res texture support, shaders, textured particles, stainmaps, reflective water, light bloom, real-time dynamic vertex lighting, and other modern effects, all of which can be turned on or off in the menu. Also featured is an easy to use internal server browser for finding other people to play online and the external Code Red Galaxy program which will be receiving an update sometime in 2006. The game has been released for both Microsoft Windows and Linux, and currently stands at version 5.0.

Freeware (?)


Eternal Lands

Eternal Lands (EL) is a free OpenGL-based multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) initially created by Radu Privantu in 2002/2003. Its outstanding difference to other role-playing games is that there are no castes, that is, your character is not tied to a certain profession or certain racial attributes. Every character can basically do everything the others can do. Background, attributes and profession can be developed during gameplay and changed or amended anytime. Before you play, you have to choose the name and the appearance of your character. That's all you specify; everything else (your skills, abilities and alignments) is developed in the game. These are the six races from which you can currently choose: Dwarves stay to themselves the majority of the time. They don't travel too much because they prefer the warmth and comfort of their own home to the outside world. Dwarves are excellent craftsmen. They build the most sturdy and elaborate structures, the most accurately carved statues, and the most exquisite jewelry. They carve wood, chip stone, and shape metal until it is almost perfect. They generally have their homes in or around caves, and build mines that they share.Humans feel the need to create a shelter by cutting down trees, and anything else that stands in their way, and to constantly create, build, and improve things. They hunt animals for food, and eat the vegetation of the land. The humans take whatever they can and use it to their advantage, although they show compassion, kindness, and generosity when the time is right. They have many abilities and create big cities and towns. Elves revere life, and are very careful not to waste things. They hunt animals when necessary, and always give thanks to their god when they kill, and before they eat. They build their homes in the forest, in a style all their own. The Elves are very friendly to most of the other races, but have a deep hatred for everything they consider to be evil (such as the goblins, orcs, ogres, etc.), and don't fully trust the dwarves or the Orchans (whom they consider barbaric). The Elves are very knowledgable, and harbor a great repository of historical books in libraries which they open to everyone. Elves live up to five times longer than humans. Gnomes are a small dwarvish race, but unlike dwarves they are outgoing, social travelers. They are also pretty good craftsmen and tailors of clothing. Another gnomeish skill is map making, although you can never trust a Gnome's map to be 100% accurate. Perhaps their most distinctive characteristic is their insatiable curiosity and passion for solving everyday issues with inventions. They are probably the most helpful, generous, and unbiased of all the races. Draegoni appear to be a cross between a human and a dragon, but are much more human like than dragon like. Legend says that they are children of the mythical dragon god, Iringold. They are highly magical beings that dwell in the colder regions on the extreme ends of the world. It is said that their inherent magical abilities come from the dragon blood that is mixed in their veins, and in the scales that sparkle on their bodies. Orchans were so named because they look like a cross between a human and an orc. Whether they were bred that way is a commonly disputed topic, and no one knows for sure. There are legends and myths going in each direction. They are a people that believe in judging someone on their strength, heroism, and bravery. They hold many contests of strength, and also elect their leaders through their competitions. Many competitions are fights to the death, which causes other races to view Orchans as barbaric. However, Orchans are very honorable, and keep to their word when they take an oath, even if it means their life is at stake. The latter three races are "pay-to-play" races; in order to play a character which is one of these races, you have to donate a small amount to the game. Once you are in the game, there are many different things you can do: Explore. Currently, there are about 30 different "maps" (lands) you can explore. Ships and teleportals can lead you to new, interesting but also dangerous places. There are areas where monsters may attack you, players can fight other players, where you can get hurt by heat or by cold. Countless hidden places can be found, giving you small advantages each. Improve your skills. You can advance in each of nine different skills: attack, defense, harvesting/mining, alchemy, crafting (jewelry), manufacturing (blacksmithing), summoning monsters, potion brewing and magic. You can advance as many skills as you like, you can work together with other players and you can trade. All experience you gain in any skill will sum up to "pick points", that you can use to improve your physical, mental and spiritual attributes. Go on quests. Many non-playing characters give you smaller or larger tasks or send you on quests. They will deepen your knowledge about the world your character wanders, and if you do well, a nice reward at the end. Worship gods. There are nine deities you can worship in EL. You will have to succeed in various quests, and will be given blessing in return, increasing your skill level and/or your experience gain. Socialise. There are always several hundred players online, and numerous places to meet, chat and cooperate. Players can found and team up in guilds; over a hundred guilds already exist in the game.

Freeware (zusätzliche Rassen per "Spende" freischaltbar)


The White Chamber

Studio Trophis' debut public production, the white chamber, is a point and click horror adventure game. Explore a strange environment crafted in luscious 2D. Control a trapped young woman from 3rd person perspective as she solves puzzles and overcomes the twisted obstacles in her path.




The objective of the PlaneShift is to create a virtual fantasy world in which a player can start as a peasant in search of fame and become a hero. First of all PlaneShift is a Role Playing Game. Be sure to read our Roleplay guidelines or you will not be able to play this game. We will focus our efforts in the reproduction of a real world with politics, economy, many non-player-characters controlled by the server that will bring to life our world even without players connected! We want to give FREE access to everyone, without the need to either purchase the game or pay a monthly fee. Servers and bandwidth will be donated by sponsors. Our virtual world is persistent, and this means you can connect to it at every hour of day or night and you will always find players and npcs wandering our realms. You will be able to disconnect and reconnect again, the server saves the actual status of your character including his possessions. You will use a client program to interact with our world, that enables you to have a 3D view of the surroundings. Here are 10 reasons why you should become a player and a fan of PlaneShift: 1. Planeshift is a great place to find new friends from all over the world! 2. PlaneShift is a virtual world where you always dreamed of living 3. PlaneShift is the first 3D MMORPG to be free for players 4. Thanks to our open development process, the game will be expanded endlessly for years to come 5. Planeshift is a game made by roleplayers to bring you all the immersion you need from a virtual world 6. A unique setting, realistic combat rules, great magic system with hundreds of spells 7. No budgetary constraints will stop development of the world or prevent the addition of new ideas 8. You can build your house, your castle, your realm 8. You have the option to live as an adventurer or as a normal citizen, both paths rewarded in game 10. You can submit comments, ideas, bugs and the dev team will take those into account in future releases



Silkroad Online

Silkroad is primarily focused around the theme of trading. The game provides players with the option of three different roles after achieving character level 20; a merchant, a hunter or a thief. The merchant role involves transporting goods between towns and guarding the transported merchandise against hostile forces. The goods purchased in one town can then be sold in another town for many times the original value. This provides a successful merchant with a hefty reward at the end of their journey. The higher the value of the goods that a merchant transports, the harder and riskier the journey will become. To make the merchants' life miserable, some players assume the role of thief. The job of a thief is to kill merchants, steal their goods, and then sell them later for their own profit. Thieves are usually team players, selectively attacking their targets as a party, or as a guild. The hunter role is designed to provide a buffer between the merchants and thieves. Their mission is to kill thieves, and thus are often hired by merchants as body guards during trade runs. Successfully completing a job for any given role earns the character experience points. These points are then used to increase the difficulty level of the next job, and also to provide the character with job bonuses. Roles are not fixed, and can be switched every ten minutes. However, whenever you receive thief points, you will lose trader and hunter points. The reverse for this is also true. There are plans to update the game with European and Islamic races. These will have access to a new set of skills and weapons, and are assumed to have different starting locations.

Freeware (zusätzliche Ausrüstung käuflich)


Advanced Strategic Command / Project Battle Planets

ASC is a free, turn based strategy game. It is designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series from Bluebyte and is currently available for Windows and Linux. ASC is distributed under the terms of the Gnu General Public License (the license Linux uses too), which basically means the game is free, the complete source code is available and you can do everything with it as long as it remains free. The Project Battle Planets (PBP) is a multiplayer universe consisting of many different planets and dozens of players. Each planet is an individual ASC map. You start with just a few units on a single planet, where you build your first colony. When exploring the world you'll meet other players, which you can battle, or make alliances and trade with them. With space ships you can travel to other worlds, establish further colonies or fight wars. The PBP is run in German only and participating requires you to make play your turns in a very timely way so the game doesn't stall.



America's Army

America's Army is a round- and team-based tactical shooter with a gameplay similar to Counter-Strike in which the player controls a soldier of the U.S. Army from the first person perspective instead of Counter-Terrorists or Terrorists. Before being allowed to play online a player must first go through four training maps and have his or her progress saved online in a player account. Accomplishing the other ten training levels enables the player to become medic, special forces unit and sniper. The main section of the game is the multiplayer part, in which players fight either as the "U.S. Army" or, on "Special Forces" maps, as Indigenous forces against an opposing enemy team. Difference in depiction of the same player, the left as the "US Army" and the right as the enemy. One of America's Army's unusual features is the design of the player's opponents. The players characters' are divided into two teams: usually an Assault group and a Defense one. The Assault loses the round if the time limit, usually set to ten minutes, runs out. The player's side, whether Assault or Defense, is always identified as U.S. Army. The other side is always identified as the enemy (or OPFOR in the case of training maps). The players on either team appear as U.S. soldiers carrying U.S. weapons such as the M16A2. Their opponents usually appear as non-uniformed people carrying Warsaw Pact weapons such as the AK-47.



NetStorm - Islands At War

The game play itself is relatively simple but quite innovative for its time, as few moving units are used, in contrast to other real-time strategy games, such as Command and Conquer. The battle area consists of a number of islands, each one controlled by an individual player. Each player has a priest unit which the enemy must capture and sacrifice using their own priest. Players" resources are increased by collecting power in the form of "storm crystals", which can be used to build new units. The player starts the game with a limited number of units available; upon sacrificing an enemy priest the player gains knowledge of new more powerful units for use in future battles. There are several classes of units, including offensive units, defensive units and transport units. Only transport units can actually move and they are mainly used to collect the storm crystal from the "storm geysers" that appear randomly around the map. Both the offensive and defensive units are static in that once placed cannot be moved. Each offensive unit has an area or line of fire in which it can attack and destroy enemy units. Defensive units serve to provide cover to other offensive units while they make their attack. Bridges are a key part of the game in that they are used to advance your position and gain access to other areas of the battlefield. Units can be constructed at the terminal points of the bridges and further bridges can then be built from the placed unit. The ultimate objective is to use offensive units to immobilise the enemy priests by damaging them at which point they can be captured by a transport unit and taken to a sacrificial altar where they are sacrificed in exchange for knowledge of greater units. The game ends when all enemy priests are killed or players declare a draw. Throughout the game players are free to choose to ally with other players for mutual benefit, in which case a co-operative victory is possible.

Freeware (?)


Scorched 3D

Scorched 3D is a game based loosely (or actually quite heavily now) on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched 3D adds amongst other new features a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play. Scorched 3D is totally free and is available for both Microsoft Windows and Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris etc.) operating systems. You can pick up the game and begin playing very quickly. Then, when/if you are interested, you can poke in the dimmer recesses of the game and get into the strategy (or just ignore it altogether!). At its lowest level, Scorched 3D is just an artillery game with two+ tanks taking turns to destroy opponents in an arena. Choose the angle, direction and power of each shot, launch your weapon, and try to blow up other tanks. That's basically it. But Scorched 3D can be a lot more complex than that, if you want it to be. You can earn money from successful battles and use it to invest in additional weapons and accessories. You can play with up to twenty four other players at a time, mixing computer players with humans. There's a variety of changing environmental conditions and terrains to be dealt with. After the end of each round (which ends when everybody dies or there's only one person left), you get to buy stuff using the prize money you won from previous matches.




netPanzer is an online multiplayer tactical warfare game designed for FAST ACTION combat. Gameplay concentrates on the core -- no resource management is needed. The game is based on quick tactical action and unit management in real-time. Battles progress quickly and constantly as destroyed players respawn with a set of new units. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time. Official netPanzer development got basically halted in 1999, since 2002 netPanzer is available under the GNU GPL and thus Free Software and a GNU/Linux port of netPanzer is ready.




The FlightGear flight simulator project is an open-source, multi-platform, cooperative flight simulator development project. Source code for the entire project is available and licensed under the GNU General Public License. The idea for Flight Gear was born out of a dissatisfaction with current commercial PC flight simulators. A big problem with these simulators is their proprietariness and lack of extensibility. There are so many people across the world with great ideas for enhancing the currently available simulators who have the ability to write code, and who have a desire to learn and contribute. Many people involved in education and research could use a spiffy flight simulator frame work on which to build their own projects; however, commercial simulators do not lend themselves to modification and enhancement. The Flight Gear project is striving to fill these gaps.




Freeciv is a free turn-based multiplayer strategy game, in which each player becomes the leader of a civilization, fighting to obtain the ultimate goal: To become the greatest civilization. Players of the Civilization® series by Microprose® should feel at home, since one aim of Freeciv is to have optional modes (called rulesets) with compatible rules. Freeciv is maintained by an international team of coders and enthusiasts, and is easily one of the most fun and addictive network games out there! That also means it has very extensive multilanguage support, something rare in games.




Pingus is a free Lemmings clone for GNU/Linux and Windows covered under the GNU GPL. Pingus uses ClanLib and libxml and might also be usable on some other OSs like FreeBSD, but hasn't been tested there. Pingus is mainly developed under GNU/Linux, that's why the Windows port is sometimes a bit behind. The player takes command in the game of a bunch of small animals and has to guide them around in levels. Since the animals walk on their own, the player can only influence them by giving them commands, like build a bridge, dig a hole or redirect all animals in the other direction. The goal of each level is to reach the exit, for fix multiple combination of commands are necessary. The game is presented in a 2D site view.




Stormregion wishes a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all stategy game fan with the full English, German and French version of S.W.I.N.E. Don`t be a Carrotland-rabbit, download and play: the National Pig Army authorized the free usage of this software.



Grand Theft Auto

The original Grand Theft Auto is made up of a series of levels each set in one of the three cities in the game. In each level, the player has a target number of points to achieve, and five lives to attain the score. The score counter doubles as a money meter; the player can spend this money on paint jobs and various other things. However, any money spent is of course taken away from the score, making the goal that little bit further away. On obtaining the target number of points, the player must then drive to a certain location to complete the level, which allows progress to the next one. Apart from that, the player is free to do whatever he wants. The player can just explore the city, cause death and destruction amid the traffic in the city, or steal and sell cars for profit, although completing a level will almost certainly require the completion of missions. Even in missions there is still some freedom, as usually the player is free to choose the route to take, although the destination is usually fixed. This level of freedom is not found in most action-based computer games.



Grand Theft Auto 2

GTA2 retained the top-down viewpoint of GTA but added a choice of factions to the car-stealing/telephone-answering formula of the original. The player is a man named Claude Speed, and based on evidence from GTA: San Andreas, is speculated to be the nameless protagonist from GTA III. There are two new factions for each of the three levels of the game, and one faction which is present in all levels. Being employed by one faction or gang can cause distrust from others (working for gang #1 will incur the wrath of gang #2, working for gang #2 will cause enmity with gang #3, et cetera). In the original GTA, only the local police pursued the player. In GTA2, SWAT teams, FBI agents and the army can begin chasing the player as his or her wanted level increases. Unlike other games in the series, GTA2 is set in the near future (the game's manual uses the phrase "three weeks into the future", and phrases such as "X weeks into the future" or "X minutes into the future" are common phrases meaning "near future"; fictional journal entries on the GTA2 website suggest the year to be 2013 [1]) in a metropolis referred to only as Anywhere City. Its overall aesthetic style is a strange combination of cyberpunk and retro-futurism.




Orbiter is a free flight simulator that goes beyond the confines of Earth's atmosphere. Launch the Space Shuttle from Kennedy Space Center to deploy a satellite, rendezvous with the International Space Station or take the futuristic Delta-glider for a tour through the solar system - the choice is yours. But make no mistake - ORBITER is not a space shooter. The emphasis is firmly on realism, and the learning curve can be steep. Be prepared to invest some time and effort to brush up on your orbital mechanics background.




[Beitrag wurde 1x editiert, zuletzt von krt am 01.07.2006, 13:30]
01.07.2006, 13:27 Uhr Anzeigen
# 2
krt  (124)
HLP - Redakteur
Nachricht offline Moderator
716 Punkte
Dabei seit: 23.04.2004
447 Beiträge
So, und hier noch die Erweiterung, die ohne Beschreibung auskommen muss:


01.07.2006, 13:29 Uhr Anzeigen
# 3
Nachricht offline
1.813 Punkte
Dabei seit: 17.03.2006
327 Beiträge
So dann will ich auch mal:

Eine Geniale Auto Simulation die sich (leider) noch im aufbau befindet!
Aber man kann schon damit fahren!

Lustiger Mario Klon! Sehr empfelenswert!

PISDL ist ein kleine Freeware Fan-Spiel, bei dem man beobachten kann was 'Captain Picard', 'Mister Spock" und einige andere Spinner so in iher Freizeit treiben.

!!! Hairy Harry ! MEIN TOP SPIEL! !!!
Simlples aber Geniales Volleyball Spiel mit den echten Volleyball Regeln!

Und Trackmanie Ntions wurde her ja schon erwähnt!
- = < { ( λ ) } > = -

Mappingtutorials oder nette Community für die Source Engine gesucht? Besucht mappingbase.de
01.07.2006, 20:58 Uhr Anzeigen
# 4
King2500  (40)
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Dabei seit: 27.09.2003
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Original von dmx6

!!! Hairy Harry ! MEIN TOP SPIEL! !!!
Simlples aber Geniales Volleyball Spiel mit den echten Volleyball Regeln!

Das Spiel wurde btw bei uns an der FH von ein paar Studenten entwickelt ;-)
01.07.2006, 21:49 Uhr Anzeigen
# 5
Kissaki  (37)
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Dabei seit: 13.03.2005
404 Beiträge
schon erwähnt, aber ich möchte nochmal
Enemy Territory
Trackmania: Nations
hervorheben. Beides super geniale Spiele.
ET kostenfrei veröffentlicht (war anders geplant) und TM:N extra für eSport entwickelt.
Erst wenn der letzte Egoshooter indiziert wurde, 90% der Kinofilme ab 18 freigegeben sind und die letzte Lan-Party verboten wurde, werdet ihr feststellen, dass ihr eure Kinder trotzdem erziehen müsst.
29.07.2006, 02:36 Uhr Anzeigen
# 6
Zy4nk4li  (33)
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Hound Eye
148 Punkte
Dabei seit: 07.06.2006
259 Beiträge

Savage:the battle for Newerth ist ein spiel ähnlich empires,es gibt einen commander der alles bauen und erforschen muss und es gibt seine soldate die mit den neuen techniken den feind zerstören müssen(mehr infos auf der savage seite).es war mal kostenpflichtig abjer als der suport eingestellt wurde ist es gratis geworden

ja und ähnlich wie silkroad www.kalonline.com abermit weniger klasssen und übersichtlicher kalonline sit ganz gratis bis uaf ein paar items die man kkaufen muss aber das braucht niemand seit den letzten patches laufen auch die server gut.also mir hat es mal besser gefallen als silkroad aber für beides brauchtr man viel zeit
[Beitrag wurde 1x editiert, zuletzt von Zy4nk4li am 29.07.2006, 07:42]
29.07.2006, 07:38 Uhr Anzeigen
# 7
krt  (124)
HLP - Redakteur
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Dabei seit: 23.04.2004
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Öhm, bin glaub ich blind. Finde beim dem Savage-Dingens nirgends en Downloadlink für die Retail. Nur ne Demoversion bzw das Update auf 2.0 oO.

31.07.2006, 23:35 Uhr Anzeigen
# 8
orangensaft  (31)
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Alien Grunt
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Dabei seit: 29.05.2006
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Muss auch mal 2 gute Spiele nochma hervorheben:

Counter-Strike 2d:
Der beliebte Shooter in Vogelperspektive: Counter-Strike von oben. Is ganz lustig und soviel ich weiß gibts da auch keine Cheats... Die selben Waffen und Menus wie im 3d Spiel und eigentlich gut nachgebastelt.

Auch ein guter Shooter - aber von der Seite. links-rechts und oben-unten. Simpel ist ausser der Steuerung auch das Spiel ansich aufgebaut. Hier kann man im Gegensatz zu cs2d glaube ich keine Maps bauen, aber auch sehr gut für jeden nebenbei Zocker. (Gute und schnelle Gewöhnung der Physik und Steuerung)

Gute Spiele und funktionieren auch mit weniger guten PCs.

bb hf MfG, mark
01.08.2006, 01:00 Uhr Anzeigen
# 9
Ololo O.o  (34)
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Dabei seit: 14.03.2005
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Auch ein guter Shooter - aber von der Seite. links-rechts und oben-unten. Simpel ist ausser der Steuerung auch das Spiel ansich aufgebaut. Hier kann man im Gegensatz zu cs2d glaube ich keine Maps bauen, aber auch sehr gut für jeden nebenbei Zocker. (Gute und schnelle Gewöhnung der Physik und Steuerung)

finde da keine Server :<
16.09.2006, 16:55 Uhr Anzeigen
# 10
Zy4nk4li  (33)
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Hound Eye
148 Punkte
Dabei seit: 07.06.2006
259 Beiträge
So hier der genaue link für savage:http://www.s2games.com/savage/downloads.php
18.09.2006, 16:44 Uhr Anzeigen
# 11
Kloschüssel  (33)
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Dabei seit: 04.07.2007
146 Beiträge
http://www.maidmarian.com/ (sherwood dungeon, das sinnloseste und langweiligste spiel überhaupt ^^)
Edit\\ Ui Ui ich hab glatt vergessen http://meridian59.neardeathstudios.com/ es ist zwar nicht gratis aber die zwei Wochen Testzeit lohnen sich ! (ich glaube es gibt eine deutsche version auch, hab die webseite aber nicht gefunden)
[Beitrag wurde 1x editiert, zuletzt von Kloschüssel am 04.08.2007, 20:16]
04.08.2007, 20:04 Uhr Anzeigen
# 12
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Dabei seit: 21.06.2006
2 Beiträge

Die alten Dune-Spiele und den Film kennt sicherlich jeder, daher ist es nicht schwierig sich in dieses Browsergame reinzudenken! Einheiten, Häuser und die Rohstoffe der Originalspiele und der Filme sind daher leicht wiederzufinden.

Wählen könnt ihr derzeit zwischen

Bene Gesserit

Jedes Haus hat seine Vorteile, Spezialeinheiten, Taktiken. Ihr könnt eure Gegner überfallen, sie ausrauben, ihre Gebäude zerstören, sie bestehlen, sie sabotieren und ihr könnt sogar Sectorkriege führen und eure Truppen gemeinsam gegen den mächtigen Schild des Gegners ziehen lassen! Es ist wahnsinnig komplex und viele Strategien können zum Erfolg führen. Die letzten zwei Runden haben auch glatt zwei Neulinge gewonnen! :rolleyes:

Morgen startet eine neue Runde! Die Runde dauert immer zwischen 2-3 Monaten. Es ist also kein unendliches Spiel, an dem man irgendwann die Lust verliert. Schaut doch mal vorbei, es lohnt sich. Jeder Neuling kann sich übrigens einen Tutor wählen (findet man dann nach der Anmeldung in der "Zeitung"). Der Tutor steht einem mit Rat und Tat am Anfang zur Seite!

Schaut einfach mal rein! Würde uns freuen! :)
24.11.2007, 18:10 Uhr Anzeigen
# 13
EC8OR  (50)
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Dabei seit: 26.12.2007
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F.E.A.R Combat ist auch kostenlos und es gibt ne ganze menge server.
Registrierung nötig und man bekommt den key per mail zugeschickt .

[Beitrag wurde 1x editiert, zuletzt von EC8OR am 06.01.2008, 09:43]
06.01.2008, 09:42 Uhr Anzeigen
# 14
.Musti.  (30)
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Dabei seit: 02.02.2008
407 Beiträge

Flashgames: spele.nl
02.02.2008, 22:03 Uhr Anzeigen
# 15
Z.E.R.O.  (30)
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Shock Trooper
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Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
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Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

Konnte man downloaden. Die Links auf der offiziellen Seite wurden gelöscht und ich finde nirgens einen funktionierenden Link! :( Hat da einer was?
14.03.2008, 20:17 Uhr Anzeigen
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