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PVK II: Patch optimiert Balance

20.02.2010 | 13:14 Uhr | von Dienstbier
7.963 Hits
2 Kommentare
1 viewing
Am vergangenen Donnerstag hat das frisch erschienene Pirates, Vikings & Knights II einen ersten Patch verpasst bekommen. Besonders fallen die vielen Änderungen an der Balance auf, so wurde der Speer-tragende Gestir, welcher zuweilen wegen seiner starken Spezialattacke unter Kritik geraten war, etwas geschwächt. Das Kräfteverhältnis der drei Teams gilt seither als Exempel für eine anspruchsvolle Balance.

  • Bug Fixes
  • Decreased the texture sizes of some of the trap kill icons
  • Fixed non-special arrows, and bolts going through teammates
  • Fixed holding reload on Skirmisher's pistol not properly reloading it
  • Fixed Gestir's spear first person animations so they properly match the attack durations so there is no longer a perceived delay where you can't attack
  • Fixed an issue of an incorrect awarding of second place to Vikings instead of Knights
  • Fixed issues with the Achievements Capitalism and Immaculate Immortals
  • Fixed missing bt_island ambient soundscapes
  • Fixed taunts being interrupted by health, armor, and ammo pickups
  • Fixed chest being impossible to pickup if it was dropped into a pickup
  • Fixed parrot and the keg not appearing on the 3rd person Captain and Skirmisher when they were replenished until they actually swapped to those weapons
  • Fixed Team kills caused by traps were treated as non team kills.
  • Improved player collisions code. Should help with getting stuck in players as well as in physics objects
  • Fixed text chat mute not properly working
  • (To mute a player's text chat bring up the scoreboard and press on their speaker icon, if you can also potentially hear their voice chat it will mute that as well.)

  • Island Changes
  • Tweaked player clipping
  • Fixed holes in geometry
  • Layout adjustment at viking base

  • Balance Changes
  • Removed the speed boost gained during a jump
  • The attack speeds of the 3 sword and shield weapons have been adjusted.
  • Decreased blunderbuss damage slightly
  • Increased hook and punch damage
  • Decreased the speed of the front and back spear attacks
  • Decreased health of Gestir's shield slightly
  • Increased damage done with seax slightly
  • Decreased damage done by Skirmisher's cutlass slightly
  • Increased the special damage requirement of the Skirmisher
  • Keg changes to make it more tactical
  • Decreased overall damage of the keg
  • Increased the movement speed while using the keg slightly

  • Localization Changes
  • Added support for Danish translation by geX and Italian translation by R-Phoenix
  • Updated English, Finnish, German, Portuguese, and Russian translations
Neue Inhalte bringt der schmale Patch verständlicherweise nicht, erweiterte schließlich gerade erst der Steam-Release das Spiel um diverse Maps und eine neue Klasse. Wer noch keinen Blick auf Version 2.3 geworfen hat und das aktuelle Source SDK Base sein Eigen nennt, kann die Vollversion der kostenlosen Modifikation hier herunterladen.

Kommentare (2)
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# 1
Ich kann keine Server in der Liste sehen!?!
Post 20.02.2010, 19:44 Uhr
# 2
ich hab eben die news gelesen, hat sich erledigt...
Post 20.02.2010, 19:46 Uhr

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